ANARCHISM & RADICAL DISSENT: “Winnipeg Social Forum,” University of Winnipeg, May 7th, 2005 I’ve been asked to initiate a discussion about something called “anarchism & radical dissent,” and touch on some core issues of activism: like tactics, civil disobedience, the role of violence, perhaps even the question of vanguardism and popular support, and other related stuff. I’ve basically got about 10 pages of notes, and I can go through as much or as little of it as people want (or …
Tag: Movement Building
In Political WritingsTags Anarchism, Anti-Capitalism, Marxism, Movement Building, Participatory Economics, Worker Self-Management82 ViewsLeave a comment
Paul Burrows
“Is There An Alternative to Capitalism?” Rough transcript of a talk by Paul Burrows (of Mondragón Bookstore & Coffee House) as part of the SMAC (Structured Movement Against Capitalism) forum on “Alternatives to Capitalism” (Wednesday, April …