It’s December 19th, 2023. We’re coming up to the season when self-described Christians start saying lovely things like “peace on Earth, goodwill to all,” and paying lip service to the teachings of a Hebrew Palestinian carpenter with proto-socialist sensibilities, who happened to be born in Bethlehem a couple millennia ago. Not long ago, back in early November, many of these same people, and countless others, donned poppies on their lapels, and said “lest we forget,” to pay their respects to those who …
Tag: Apartheid
In Political WritingsTags Apartheid, Canadian Foreign Policy, Media Analysis, South Africa253 ViewsLeave a comment
Paul Burrows
Originally published in The Media Co-op on December 16, 2013 The eulogies and myth-making began almost immediately –– in Canada as notably as elsewhere.[1] On December 5th, the day Nelson Mandela passed away, former Prime Minister …
In Political WritingsTags Apartheid, Canadian Foreign Policy, NDP, Palestine23 ViewsLeave a comment
Paul Burrows
Originally published in The Media Co-op (June 16, 2010) As many of you may know, there has been an uproar in the House of Commons recently, and a flurry of parliamentarians (Tory, Liberal, and NDP) expressing …
In Political WritingsTags Apartheid, Human Rights, International Solidarity Movement, Israel, Media Analysis, Palestine, Rachel Corrie63 ViewsLeave a comment
Paul Burrows
Originally published on the Electronic Intifada website on March 21, 2003 Those of us in the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and involved in Palestine solidarity work more generally, are deeply shocked and horrified by the recent …