Academic (History) Papers & Conferences (Selected)

2013    “‘As She Shall Deem Just:’ Treaty 1, the St. Peter’s Reserve ‘Removal’ and the Basis of Colonizer Rights in Manitoba,” NAISA (Native American & Indigenous Studies Association), Saskatoon

2009    “‘I am not Trespassing Because the Ground is Mine:’ The St. Peter’s Reserve ‘Removal’ & the Saulteaux Repatriation Movement of 1932-34,” Keewatin History Conference, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

2007    “Anarchism, Colonialism, and Aboriginal Dispossession in the Canadian West,” Canadian Historical Association, Congress of the Humanities & Social Sciences, Saskatoon

2007    “The St. Peter’s Reserve ‘Removal’ as a Case Study in Ethnic Cleansing,” Fort Garry Lectures, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

2006    “Olive Tree & Turtle Island: A comparison of Settler-Colonialism in Palestine and Indigenous North America,” (Dis)united Empires Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston

2006    “Silencing the Living by Hiding in the Past: Historians, Colonialism, and the Sioux,” Fort Garry Lectures, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

1994    “Hollywood & Hegemony: Representations of Indians & the Frontier in Cinema,” Film Studies Association of Canada, Congress of the Humanities & Social Sciences, Calgary

1993    “Anarchism & the Historiography of the Russian Revolution,” Riding Mountain History Conference, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba

Non-Academic Workshops, Panels, Presentations, & Gatherings


“Remembering Working Class Martyrs,” Red November/Black November annual I.W.W. dinner, November 2014. A transcript of this talk can be read here.


“Anarchism, Colonialism, & Aboriginal Dispossession in the Canadian West,” Montreal Anarchist Bookfair.


“Anarchism, Colonialism, & Aboriginal Dispossession in the Canadian West,” Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair.


“Apostle of Anarchy:” Emma Goldman’s First Visit to Winnipeg in 1907,” a talk at Mondragon Bookstore on the 100th anniversary of her visit. This talk was eventually published as an essay in the Manitoba History Journal, and can be read here.


“Anarchism & Radical Dissent,” Winnipeg Social Forum, U of Winnipeg. Opening remarks can be read here.


(April) “What is radical dissent, and why is it important?” Guest presentation in Natural Resource Institute course, U of Manitoba.


(January) “Work After Capitalism: Participatory Economics in Theory & Practice”.  World Social Forum III, Porto Alegre, Brazil. This paper was later published as “Participatory Economics & Workers’ Self-Management: Reflections on Winnipeg’s Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House Collective.”

(May) Indymedia Centre-Thunder Bay: Conducted Workshop (with Megan McKenzie and Shira Newman) on the International Solidarity Movement in Occupied Palestine.

(August) Talk at South Winnipeg Mosque on International Solidarity in Palestine.

(December) Panel Presentation on Israel-Palestine Conflict: Presented paper: “The Geneva Accord: Last Gasp of the Two-State Solution, or the Latest Smoke & Mirrors to Sell Apartheid?”  Abridged version originally posted at and can be read on this site here.


(January) Post-9-11 Penal Realities Forum (Winnipeg): Conducted workshop: “Al-Qaida Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay”

(February) “Four Days for Change” conference (Sioux Lookout, ONT.): conducted workshop (with Jon Schledewitz): “Who Gives a Shit About Workplace Democracy?”

(February) “Tools for Peace” conference, Canadian Mennonite College (Winnipeg): Conducted workshop: “Ethical Living and Peace: What Can Individuals and Alternative Businesses Do?”

(December) Panel Presentation on Palestine and International Solidarity Movement “Olive Harvest Campaign” at Mondragon.


(February) “Anarchism & The Spanish Revolution,” Winnipeg History Workshop Series. Presentation at Mondragon Bookstore.

(April) “Is there an Alternative to Capitalism?” SMAC Discussion Series (Winnipeg): Panel Presentation at Mondragon Bookstore. This presentation can be read here.

(September) “Red, Black & Green Panel” (Winnipeg): Opening comments on Marxism, anarchism and green contributions to a new movement, as well as moderation for panel.  Mondragon.

(October) “What is Terrorism?  What is Peace?”, Project Peacemakers Panel (Winnipeg) on reflections after 9-11.  Westminster United Church.

(October) Speech at Anti-War Rally: “The Illegal and Immoral Attack on Afghanistan”

(November) Panel Presentation (Winnipeg): “War, Peace & Civil Liberties Since September 11th.”


High school Conference (Altona, MB.): Conducted two workshops: 1) “Activism 101;” and 2) “Human Rights.”

(November) Lecture: “Building Alternative Institutions Today,” a presentation on “Building a Post-Corporate Society,” Parkland Institute Conference (Edmonton, Alberta).


(May) “Power of Unity: A Gathering of Grassroots Resistance” (Victoria, B.C.): Conducted three separate workshops: 1) “Creating Alternative Institutions Today;” 2) “Economics Today & Tomorrow” (with David Markland); and 3) “Building a Relevant Anarchist Movement.”


College Jeanne Sauve (Winnipeg): Conducted workshop (with Ria Julien and Tom Jasiakewitz): “What Sucks About the System and Planet?”

“Wobbly Wednesdays” Discussion Series (Winnipeg): Panel discussion on participatory economics (parecon) model.


Argyle School (Winnipeg): “What is a Cooperative?”


“Human Rights: The Case of East Timor,” a workshop for high school students at the U of Manitoba (Winnipeg).


“How to Read the News: Media Criticism,” a workshop for high school students at the U of Manitoba (Winnipeg).

Parent, activist, researcher, amateur (and sometimes professional) historian, sci-fi/fantasy and nerd culture enthusiast, wilderness survival wannabe, former punk, red wine anarchist.

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